Saturday, February 24, 2007


It was Science Friday yesterday on Talk of the Nation and this is what I learned:

FLASH FORWARD--Earth--Date: Friday, April 13, 2029

An Astroid enters the Earth's atmosphere but does not make contact. The Earth's orbit throws the asteroid off it's current trajectory and into any number of new orbits.

One possible one:

Seven Years Later: 2036

The astroid that went whipping by us seven years earlier comes back and is on a direct collision course for Earth. The scientist guy said that the odds of this happening, of the trajectory being changed by the Earth's orbit in 2029 to a path that would lead it to make a direct hit in 2036 is 1 in 45,000. The astroid's name is Apophis. The astroid is 300 meters arcoss. If it hit it wouldn't throwing the Earth off it's orbit, the old gal would keep on dancing--but it would cause huge environmental impacts, like wiping out the dinosaurs.

If/When this happens I'll be in my late fifties. What will I be doing? Wearing? Will I have a job? Kids? Will I have traveled a lot? Will I not have mono anymore? I drank three kalhuas and milk last night, maybe not the smartest thing. And I went swimming on Thursday, definitely not the smartest thing. So I am tired. I don't feel that worried about the asteroid hitting us--it's supposedly very unlikely, plus we've already drafted a solution to this problem: see film, Armegeddon.


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