Thursday, February 22, 2007


I had a dream a few nights ago that my grandma came back from the dead. This isn't the first time that I've had this dream and they are the best dreams. She always just shows up out of nowhere and we all get excited and ask how long she gets to stay. This last time it was just for a night. I think it's great that in these dreams death is like a job that you get a break from very rarely. So she shows up and she talks to all of us individually to tells us what is wrong with our lives, to give us insight. The dead give the best insight. She told me that I needed to settle down, not worry so much, and get married. In the dream we were all at my grandparents' house out in the country. My grandpa either never had the brain tumor, or was fully recovered. In the dream I never get to the part where she has to leave. We are just sitting around until the wee hours of the morning, waiting for her to go, enjoying each other so much. I'm glad that I never have to say goodbye to her in the dreams. I wake up feeling like I really have just seen her, like she really has pressed her palm into my heart and recharged me, as if by seeing her I am a little more alive than I was the day before.


Blogger alexis said...

i am SO adding you to my links!

February 22, 2007 at 4:57 PM  
Blogger alexis said...

i had my first grandma dream since she died. it was the other night and it wasn't great cause she was in bad health and her house was all re-arranged to better meet her needs and i couldnt see her i could just hear her.

February 23, 2007 at 4:47 PM  

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