Tuesday, February 13, 2007


On Saturday morning I was diagnosed with mono. Now, I know you can't die from mono, even though my boyfriend tried to convince me you can, but I think this will be a good test, can you die from boredom, and a really, extremely painful sore throat? I was going to start this mono blog earlier--but I haven't had the resources to blog from bed, and I wanted it to be very authentic. Plus this is the first day when I am actually feeling better. So, I have probably had mono for well over a week now, but the blog starts here, and goes until it is over-the mono, or my life, having died of boredom.

Now, I have to admit--I have always secretly wanted mono. I like watching entire seasons of television series in one fair swoop, but whenever I do it I always feel guilty. I always thought mono would eradicate that guilt. It does, but you have to feel like shit in the process, and once you are done watching the entire season of twenty four, season 2 (not as good as season 1), there isn't going out with a friend for a drink, or going to for a walk, or even going to a movie to look foward to. It is just more of your ass in bed, watching television, season by season.

I have created some mono goals, because once I really start feeling better and I am just biding time, not moving in hopes my spleen doesn't rupture--I think it will be good to have some direction:

1. finish two stories.

2. read i, tina. i, have always wanted to read this.

3. learn how to make shoes. in hopes of maybe making your own pair of shoes.

4. research pattern making.

5. practice/study better grammar.

This seems good for now, and of course can be completely revised. that's the great thing about goals, they are so changable.
I made some goals last fall, one was to get a "hot bod." it's a good thing mono is like the best diet ever.


Blogger alexis said...

oh now i get why all of these posts start with mono.

i wish i had it too, for the show on dvd reason. in fact, im a little bit jealous right now.

February 23, 2007 at 4:52 PM  

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