Saturday, October 28, 2006

road sentences

at night, on I-5, semis snuggle up on freeway off-ramps, like cats curled up on the arms of couches.

we ate at granzella's. the salad bar had containers of carrots, beets, peas, and olive relish haphazardly thrown in ice. the lettuce was icebery, and slimey.

places so big it's hard to believe that small gestures even exist, like handshakes, or neck kisses, or holidng the door open for someone. these are swallowed up in the vastness of the sky.

the red was rubbed into the mountains like something they were trying to get rid of, like unwanted rouge on a cheek.

they cry oil in texas.

oil rigs look like aliens humping the earth.

it's weird to be thousands of miles away from where you usually are and see how exactly the same everything is. we are all just living the same life, over and over. the horrible ordinary.

big black butterflies throw themselves at my windshield, in mobs, in flurries.

florida words i like:


burnt store rd.




Blogger Leightongirl said...

I love jacarandas. I'm glad you're blogging from the road.

October 29, 2006 at 7:04 AM  

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