Thursday, April 13, 2006

doors and windows

there is a woman standing outside the coffee shop i am at now smoking, wearing a t shirt that is black and in pink letters it says, "love harder." shouldn't we all? yesterday while turning on to fremont i saw a lady wearing a t shirt that was periwinkle and in yellow it said PRE and then below it, TTY. pretty. i like seeing these t shirts with postive messages. i, on the other hand, have a t shirt that says if assholes could fly this place would be an airport. i liked wearing it to school.

yesterday i went to this place by my house called the rebuilding center. it has rows upon rows of old doors, paint chipped, stickers on glass old. and rows upon rows of windows, and old sinks that people used to bend over to wash their faces. it is interesting to see the refuse of peoples houses, their lives. all these pieces came from all over, or they might have been next door neighbors. i bought an old door for $5 that i plan on making into a desk when i get my shit together. if i ever get my shit together. it might end up leaning up against my wall forever, a door with no use, leading nowhere.


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