Wednesday, March 30, 2005

easter sunday

my mom, sister, and sister's boyfriend visited for a long weekend so i am recovering from too much food and alcohol. it really felt like time slowed down while they were here, which was nice and needed. it can be hard to just put everything down and take a vacation though, especially when the farthest you go is the valley (actually we did go to barstow to see the wild flowers, thats a whole other story). i have a hard time relaxing, which i find to be very unfortunate because i really like doing it. but there were some truly stressful points of the visit. my mom met daniel's mom and on easter we had a dinner full of family meshing. daniel wasn't too worried about it. his family is mormon and his sister's boyfriend was once seen wearing an "i love bush" shirt. all of them were there on easter, bush-lover and all. and then there was my family: all of us ultra-liberal and getting drunk on the most sabbathy of all sabbaths, oh and my brother is gay and his black boyfriend was there too. and daniel didn't see why i was worried. i was trying desperately to get drunk but my nerves just wouldn't let me and it seemed like the more vodka i drank the more sober i felt. but daniel was right and everything went well and i think we all actually had some fun. but neither politics, nor religion were mentioned, which i think helped. these difference don't bother me that much, as long as they are ignored. i don't know if this is healthy, but it works, for now anyway. it probably wouldn't of all been okay had all that vodka hit me. i have a knack for talking to loud and long about uncomfortable topics while intoxicated.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


i had an editorial meeting tonight for my new internship. i am interning at this hip magazine, maybe not as hip as flaunt, but pretty hip ( i didn't feel like i was cool enough. everyone there knows and cares about all these things that are unknown and underground (ew, i hate that word unless you're using it literally) and i'm just like, so did anyone see america's next top model last week. i didn't say that but i definately got the feeling that my tastes were a little bit too mainstream. i also felt like i couldn't think outside of myself, which was unfortunate because myself is tragically uncool, but every idea i had came from some lame personal experience that i didn't even feel like i could share because it was so lame, the idea and the experience. double whammy.

so the meeting was over and i rode the subway home (literally underground) and then i watched my tivo-ed america's next top model while i ate this delicious shrimp/pineapple/creamcheese dip i made.

i would like to say congrats to elliot. i heard you got into the new school. i guess blogging really does pay off.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

vacation failure

my spring break wasn't that successful. i did spend that gift certificate at anthropologie, and a little more. i did write an essay. i did learn how to use garage band. i think that shouldn't have been one of my goals because i ended up making crappy electronic music all week ( its pretty pathetic. i think sal had a good time though.

Monday, March 14, 2005

spring break

Originally uploaded by kaitlynwhat.
it is my first day of spring break. sal looks ready for sprink break. i have a list of things to do for spring break:

write an essay on slaughter house 5
learn how to record music on garage band
write a story
look for a summer job
sew some bags
watch sex and the city, golden girls, my so-called life
record music on garage band
hang out with sal
go to leo carillo state park
go to roy rogers state park
kick it poolside
take dance classes
go to anthropologie and spend gift certificate

i think this is going to be a good one.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

is that sal?

is that sal?
Originally uploaded by kaitlynwhat.
i did some research online and i pretty sure salvador is part maine coon. maine coon is a breed of cats that originated in maine. the myth goes that some wild cats mated with some racoons. there is also a rumor that they were started when mary antiounette sent the breed over when she was planning on escaping to maine during the french revolution. maine does seem like a good place to escape to, quiet fishing town, lobsters, the ocean knows how to keeps secrets. a full grown male male weighs 12-18 pounds. they are know for their big feet and poofy tails. sal has both of those. and he is already huge, and he is still a baby, only 6 months old. that picture isn't sal, but it looks a lot like him, except i think sal's feet are bigger.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

the best sandwiche ever

i think i should share this recipe with my few readers. this sandwich is really good. i created it. the other day someone (its a long story i guess i could blog about later) told me that only God can create, people can only make things out of something else. so i made this out of things:

BAC sandwiche (bacon, apple, cheddar cheese):

you need:
some bread (any flavor, I prefer wheat)
cheddar cheese
an apple (fuji is the best choice, or one with a similiar flavor)
bacon (four slices, or so)

fry the bacon, toast the bread, slice the cheese, and the apple (thinly), spread mayo on toast bread, put on the cheese, then the apples, then the bacon, cut down the middle. enjoy.

bacon blog

my friend paul used this line in a story once (or something like it): outside it was raining so hard it sounded like someone was frying bacon on the streets.

i've always really liked it because it is such a great (and delicious) image. could you image the streets full of bacon? only in my dreams.

when i was little we used to go camping a lot. i loved to go camping and i loved bacon. my dad always promised that he and i would go on our own camping trip were all we brought to eat was bacon. luckily this never happened. my dad probably would have had a heart attack out there in the isolated woods we would have been camping in, and i wouldn't have been able to save him. but the idea is nice.

Friday, March 04, 2005

sal in the sink

sal in the sink
Originally uploaded by kaitlynwhat.
i should just officially devote my blog to sal.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

i don't have it anymore

i've been having a hard time writing lately. i feel like i have lost my voice. i have some stories started, but i don't feel like any are going anywhere. i think that if i was blogging more it would be easier for me to write. i sort of miss having to blog everyday. its like by upping the amount of stuff you put out there you automatically up the possibility that some of it might be good. right now i don't like anything. not just the stuff i write... i don't like anything anyone else writes, i don't like my cat, i don't like daniel, or my brother, or tara, or anyone. i don't like movies. i certainly don't like school. the only things i like are all my children, bacon, and fudge stripe cookies.