Saturday, March 05, 2005

bacon blog

my friend paul used this line in a story once (or something like it): outside it was raining so hard it sounded like someone was frying bacon on the streets.

i've always really liked it because it is such a great (and delicious) image. could you image the streets full of bacon? only in my dreams.

when i was little we used to go camping a lot. i loved to go camping and i loved bacon. my dad always promised that he and i would go on our own camping trip were all we brought to eat was bacon. luckily this never happened. my dad probably would have had a heart attack out there in the isolated woods we would have been camping in, and i wouldn't have been able to save him. but the idea is nice.


Blogger D-Zasstruss said...

About that camping trip: I've always wanted to camp in a tent made from bacon. The hot morning sun would fry the topmost bacon, which would serve as breakfast. Only we'd have to leave before the bears came...

March 6, 2005 at 11:47 AM  

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