Tuesday, September 28, 2004

the fundamentals


n : the interpretation of every word in the sacred texts as literal truth

Any fundamentalist is strictly following scripture. That is the exact problem. Muhammad might have been a warrior, but that is not as important as what God is. Muhammad recognized Jews and Christians as people of "the book" and did not try to convert them. All three religions, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, have foundations in the same stories. Their God, is the same God as Christianity and Judaism. Islam is a continuation of the story, we are all "generations of Adam." The Islamic faith, as I know it, does not preach violence. It preaches self-defense in extreme cases, but not violence. Muslims are supposed to look at themselves as God's vicegerents on earth. They represent him, and the Quran, which to Muslims is the word of God, says that God is merciful and compassionate. As a Muslim, as God's representatives on earth, it is their job to act in this way. If Islamic fundamentalist see suicide bombings as a valid representation of God then he will carry out that act. Muslims believe in a judgement day, and you are judged on how well you represent yourself as God's vicegerent. I like to believe that when these fundamentalist die, and are judge, they see how wrong they were in interpreting the texts. Religion is not about violence.

This is from a lecture from Dr. Al Marayati, a Muslim, a medical doctor, and a very good speaker:

"9-11 has no foundation in Islam and violates all ethical principles of Islam."

It is not the scriptures themselves that are the problem, but the interpretations of them. God didn't mess up religion, humans did that.

I'm agnostic, for the record, I think.

"I'm beginning to hate my own creation...now I know how God feels." -Homer Simpson


Blogger Meanderings said...


I suggest you read "What's wrong with Islam: A Muslim's Call for Reform in Her Faith," by Irshad Manji. She a lesbian muslim from Canada who has received DEATH THREATS for writing this book. Not just her--but her friends and family as well.

September 28, 2004 at 8:58 PM  

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