Tuesday, September 21, 2004

turn off your radio

traffic was bad. i think that started it. then my english class was boring and i thought about how much money it was costing me per hour to be bored. i sat in my internship class and wondered why i felt like i as different than everyone else. because i felt different, but not stupid, just like these people weren't like me. then traffic was bad. i got a bagel with T but they wouldn't toast them because they were cleaning out the toasters. T told me Zach bought an apartment in New York and that he was dancing with Wicked. that sounded like the best life possible. T and I decide we don't feel like taking dance class so I drive home. traffic is still bad. on the radio they talk about the beheadings and how the british guy will probably be beheaded tomorrow. i start to shake thinking about that guy sitting in that prison knowing he is going to die because he knows, like i know, his government won't do anything to save him. and then my mom told me that i'll feel better tomorrow, and that i shouldn't listen to the news or watch tv. it is bad for your mental health she told me. if we let every news story affects us we would never feel good, she told me. i have to work at a movie premiere tomorrow and right now i really don't want to. i am afraid that while i am getting really excited because i am seeing naomi watts and lily tomlin and dustin hoffman up close and personal, that british man is going to be getting his head sawed off.


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