Friday, October 22, 2004


we spent all night looking at old photos that my mom had haphazardly thrown into manila envelopes and written the word "kids" on. we were. we were kids with smiles with teeth missing, bangs that started too far back on our heads, and cabbabge patch kids we drug around scraping their faces against the pavement. we held up barbies that were birthday presents proudly. we smiled at the camera, naked in the bathtub.

with each photo pulled out we cooed and said, "oh, you were so cute."

the 8x10 of my grandpa as a baby, fat and happy, already thick hair parted down the middle. my mom's friend said,"i look at that picture and i think about how sad it is...what happens to us."


Blogger Meanderings said...

It is sad, but sometimes I think it would be more sad if I never get the chance to be a father, or a grandfather. I don't think I'll mind getting old. It's getting painful diseases and things that worry me.

October 23, 2004 at 12:07 PM  

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