Friday, October 08, 2004

judging books by their cover

Originally uploaded by kaitlynwhat.
there is something so cute and innocent about george bush. he has this childlike quality that makes me want to give him a hug and makes me think he would be really good at freeze tag.

i love watching his reactions during the debates. he just sits there and blinks and its like i can see him thinking and trying to figure it out.

there is something in his face that is so human. it is no wonder he is able to pull the wool over so many peoples eyes.

john kerry looks like a pteradactyl. don't his eyes remind you of the dinosaurs eyes in "the land before time."


Blogger Jennifer and Dawson said...

I agree. I've always thought that underneath all of the horror that Bush has caused, there has to be a caring, sensible reason b/c of his kind, lovable face.

October 10, 2004 at 1:56 AM  
Blogger Meanderings said...

25 million Afghan citizens (and women) voting in democratic elections for the first time.

Soon, 25 million Iraqis will do the same.

Remember when Afghan women got their heads blown off at soccer fields for "walking too loudly"?

Remember when Saddam filled mass graves with over 300,000 people?

That doesn't happen any more, because of George Bush.

The horror, Jennifer...the horror.

October 10, 2004 at 1:03 PM  
Blogger Meanderings said...


Thanks for reading the articles. However, you missed my point. I can care less who you vote for. I am NOT trying to get you to vote for Bush. What I want you to see is that so many people want you to believe he's pure evil, and that deep down inside he has some weird plans for world domination--that simply isn't true. I'm trying to steer you away from the conspiracy-theory crowd and towards actual policies you can agree or disagree with.

Again though, thanks for reading the articles.

October 13, 2004 at 12:24 PM  

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