Wednesday, September 15, 2004

More Mermaid

I did write at my designated time. I just didn't have a chance to post it.

More Mermaid Story:

I am not even sure what time it was when I called James just to ask if he felt good about himself. I took his silence as a yes and hung up. Then I went into the kitchen and cut up onions so I could cry. It felt good. I didn’t leave the apartment for three days after that. I spent the first day and a half in bed. I slept for twenty-two hours, then got up and ate four peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and drank six glasses of milk. I sat on my sofa sucking bread and peanut butter off the roof of my mouth for a half an hour then I fell back asleep for ten more hours.
When I woke up I had no idea what time of day it was and my phone was ringing. I answered it groggily, while licking the crusted drool from the sides of my mouth. No one was on the other end though and I wondered how long it had been ringing before I answered.
I tried to masturbate. I tried to get off by not thinking about him and how not thinking about him would bother him. It didn’t work though and in order to make anything happen I had to imagine us sweaty and magnetized. I felt worse once I was done which I didn’t think was possible and I ended up seeing how long I could hold my breath for.
While standing in the shower trying to figure out what day it was she came out of my faucet. It was like the water mixed with some gasoline and became all shiny and iridescent, then she burst through with a splash. She was the size of a small child. Her breasts were quite developed though and she was topless. It felt a little indecent, like watching animals have sex. She looked up at me scared and made no attempt to cover herself while I was nearly slipping on the wet shower floor trying to cover up. She watched me flail for a few moments and then I gave up. I put down the shampoo bottle I was holding over my crotch, let go of my breasts and bent down to her. At first we just sat in the shower together, water running on us, around us, down the drain. We sat there for a long time. My fingertips became white, like colorless raisins and I felt that if I rubbed them together my skin would just peel off in large flakes until there was nothing left. I looked over at her hands; her fingertips looked soft and smooth. Water seemed to roll off of her like she was a polished stone.


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