Saturday, September 11, 2004

Worse than '01

I spent last New Year's in New York. I wasn't anywhere near Times Square. First of all, that's not my style. Secondly, I promised my dad I would steer clear because he was sure someone was going to throw a grenade or something. I spent the turning of the clock at a dive bar called the Holiday Cocktail Lounge. The name seemed appropriate and it wasn't crowded, which was all we wanted to do, stay away from the crowds.

By midnight I was pretty drunk: quite a few holiday cocktails and my first shot of Jager ever. We left the bar shortly after midnight mainly because we were done but also because my friend was trying to start a fight by yelling, "KOBE!'. This doesn't fly in a New York City bar. No one likes the Lakers and Kobe Bryant is practically synonamous with Osama Bin Ladin: I mean he practically raped that girl, right? So once we stumbled onto the street, which was crowded, taxis everywhere, people in crazy hats; my friend, lets say his name is Billy, starts yelling, "9-11 '04, worse than '01!" and pointing at people. I was amazed because no one cared. No one blinked an eye. As we tried to pull him into a cab, which was hard because he dropped the entire contents of his backpack on the street, he yelled "9-11" over and and over again and pointed at people and everyone ignored him.

I'm glad you can get away with anything on New Year's. I'm glad Billy tries. And I am glad that his prophecy did not come true.


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