Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Mr. Rogers

I am watching Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. He and Mr. McFeeley (or is in Feeley, either way, it is an odd name) are watching a tape on that TV that is built into the wall, with a picture frame around it. It is a tape about how red construction paper is made. It is actually quite interesting. At one point in the process the paper looks like vomit, but kinda of like fake vomit you would buy in a joke shop. I think it is strange how many things there are factories for. There is some factory somewhere that makes red construction paper and there is a factory somewhere that makes fake vomit for joke shops. And someone, somewhere, has the job of working in the factory that makes the fake vomit and someone has the job of running it. The factory is probably in China.

On another episode of Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood he watched a tape about a jean making factory. He was watching it and there was a shot of some woman slaving away behind a sewing machine and Mr. Roger's says, "I wonder what that woman is thinking. I bet she is thinking about how happy the future wearer of those jeans will be." Poor Mr. Rogers, always the optomist. The end song does make me feel pretty good though.


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