Wednesday, October 27, 2004

red state/blue state

i am so sick of the election. and it isn't going to be over in a week, no this one is going to be in the history books, the longest election ever. everytime i turn on the radio all they talk about is how messed up everything is going to be on nov. 2. someone is selling their vote on ebay. some guy in ohio was paid in crackcocaine to make over 300 fraudulent voter registeration forms. he was paid in crackcocaine. word to describe the state of affairs: bleak.

when i was in oregon over the weekend it was all anyone talked about. i saw my first john kerry and george bush tv ads. bush's ad showed the destruction from 9/11. i thought that was too easy. there aren't any polling places in oregon. everyone votes by mail. my aunt and uncle were going to drop theirs off after we had lunch on sunday. my aunt said my uncle doesn't sleep anymore; he just stays up reading articles about he election on the internet, all night long. my aunt was going to go to florida with my mom for a vacation next month but she cancelled because if bush wins she and my uncle are moving to canada.

they are doing electronic voting in florida. they take a state with a population that doesn't even know what a computer is, and they put in electronic voting. this election is never going to end. they are already planning the law suits. why can't it be done right? what is right?

remember when there was one good and one evil and everything wasn't so blurry. and the good always won, no questions, hands down. there was mustafa and there was scar, and clearly, you were supposed to hate scar and clearly, mustafa was going to win. i just hate it all now. i'm tired of it all.

i tried for an hour today to rip myself away from dawson's creek so i could get some work done. once i finally did and i was on my was to starbucks to work (i can't work at home i get distracted by cats and dogs and all my children) and I realized i had forgotten my headphones. this meant i would have a harder time ignoring people and being ignored in return. sure enough an old guy ended up show me photos of his 2 year old nephew who he claimed already knew how to read. it wasn't so bad. maybe i try to ignore people too often.

when i got back my roommates dog was following me around so i took her outside. there is a huge puddle in the courtyard of my building, about three inches deep. this is what she pooped in. so now there is a three inch deep puddle with dog poop floating in it.


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