Wednesday, September 21, 2005

eat me

the magazine i intern at had a meeting tonight to discuss the future of the magazine, really they don't want to be a magazine. there were marinated mushrooms and salmon and pork and salad that had candied nuts and now that i am home i wish i would have eaten more of it. they can't be a magazine anymore because there is no money in it. there is talk of becoming a bi-annaul book/gallery (brick & mortar)/website, and as far as i can tell the break down is like this: bi-annual book is for art freaks who will spend $40 on a hardbound book that has cool photos and a handful of good articles, the gallery is for the rich people who want to buy prints of these photos, and the website is for poor people who are interested in this stuff but can only afford their monthly subscription to broadband. why am i involved in this? i am not anyone of those people. a lot of the people who are involved with the magazine (no longer really a magazine though, i guess i could call it, the project) are of this hyper-intellectual, only interested in the margins of the culture type of people and that isn't me and sometimes i am amazed i have lasted this long there. i like being part of the masses. they want to make the magazine this global name, a brand, and the ways in which they talk about doing this makes me glad that there are some aspects of this world we live in that i will never know or understand. now i need to decide whether or not to stay with them, or find some other publication to intern for. or just forget it all together and go to culinary school and become a fat chef who is always cooking with creme and who dies of a heart attack at age 40. it sounds like the easiest route and the most fun.


Blogger D-Zasstruss said...

i like desserts made from sweetened condensed milk. those are good things to make.

September 23, 2005 at 3:23 PM  

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