Tuesday, April 12, 2005

master cleanse day nine: taco bell is a slice of heaven

i really can't believe i've made it this far and i am still fighting back with all my strength the urge to take a bite of the mexican pizza from taco bell that priscilla is eating in front of me as i type this. you'd think that after nine days (NINE DAYS!) of not eating i wouldn't want to dirty my now pristine body with the sludge of taco bell. but no, i want taco bell, and i want a hamburger, and i want pizza. i love sludge. tomorrow is the last day. praise the lord.

i took ballet today and didn't feel dizzy. i didn't pass out dramatically while doing chaine turns. i felt good.

i am scared that once i eat food my body is going to start wretching and reject the idea. i hope it accepts the food. i accept the food. i want food.


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