Thursday, November 18, 2004

not related to lesbians...

today on the radio a professor at columbia said:

"...after 9/11 people went out and bought the Quran so they could figure how something like could happen, to try to understand it. I wonder if people in Fellujah are going out and getting copies of the Bible."


Blogger Meanderings said...

Fallujah...isn't that the same place where our troops have found torture rooms (with people still chained up), the mangled corpse of the kidnapped founder of CARE, streets lined with explosives, dead bodies booby-trapped, tons of explosives, RPG's, etc?


Didn't we give all non-combatants three weeks to leave? Aren't we still allowing women and children to leave? Didn't we go in with Iraqi troops? Didn't we have to wait for Prime Minister Allawi to give the "green light"? (The same guy who has five attempts on his life per day, and who recently had his relatives kidnapped.)


To equate what's going on in Fallujah with 9/11 is sad. This professor is an apologist for individuals who chop of heads...and that's putting it nicely.

November 20, 2004 at 5:47 PM  
Blogger kb said...

prime minister allawi outright lied and said there have been no civilian casualties in fellujah. you have to know that the US is not completely innocent in all of this. we aren't going to find the answers to why 9/11 happened in the quran, just like the answers to this war aren't in the bible. the professor knows that. i understand that you have a differing perspective on the events but you keep on acting like the US is some kind of savior, when it is not. others have estimated the civilian casualty count in fellujah around 800, and allawi says there are none. someone is lying. why?

November 20, 2004 at 5:58 PM  
Blogger Meanderings said...


I don't try and make America out to be a "savior"--I take serious offense with some stupid professor who equates 9/11 with what's happening in Falluhjah. I don't have any Allawi quotes in front of me (please give me a source or link to the article where you got the "no civilain deaths" quote) but I'm willing to bet the contex of what he said was right on. He understands the type of scum who are in Fallujah. These people are chopping off heads, kidnapping contractors, blowing up IRAQI police stations,cafes, hospitals, etc...and because some civilians die it's like 9/11? Give me a break.

Guess who's funding the "insurgency" in Fallujah? Oh yeah, Iran, Syria...and Jordarian terrorist Zarqawi. It's a lot more complicated than some Columbia professor in his Ivory Tower makes it out to be. We're at war by proxy, with Iran, Syria, and former Baathists...

It's a war. Yeah, wars are ugly. It doesn't help that we're dealing with people who don't wear uniforms, don't abide by the Geneva conventions, and can blend in with the population on a whim.

It annoys me when people are more apt to believe TERRORISTS and thugs than Prime Minister Allawi.

Were civilians killed in Fallujah? Sure. By the majority of them weren't--they were roaches that needed to die. The civilians also had weeks to leave, and like I said we're still allowing women and children out.

So please don't assume I think the US is always a savior--I just have a problem with the Blame-America-First crowd.

November 20, 2004 at 6:30 PM  
Blogger Meanderings said...


A.) Don't think I'm upset with you. I'm not. Any anger in my tone is aimed the the BAF crowd.

B.) Embedded in that professor's comment is the premise that WE are to blame for the civilian deaths in Fallujah--and THAT's the heart of it all, isn't it? Let me explain:

Thousands of terrorists essentially take over a city, use it as there command-and-control center (knowing they're in a heavily populated civilian area) and when we go in to get the "bad" guys out WE turn out to bed the "bad" guys...because innocents die. Wouldn't you think it would be the guys planting roadside bombs, building torture rooms, and kidnapping humanitarian contractors who would be more to blame? But no...

You see, I think the brunt of the blame for any innocents must go to the people using mosques for ammo storage areas...or a nice place for a sniper to sit.

Am I wrong?

November 20, 2004 at 6:44 PM  
Blogger kb said...


you aren't wrong. i am just trying to figure out what is propaganda and what is not. it seems like most everything is. you don't think that america is painting itself as a savior, but george w. bush paints it that way. i know we aren't the bad guy. i KNOW that there are contractor being beheaded and aid workers who have lived in iraq for thirty years. but all of this is just so hard to swallow. i am just trying to figure out the reasons, the ethics, the i asked before...why?

November 20, 2004 at 7:28 PM  
Blogger Meanderings said...

I'm sorry if this is a kind of triple-post (blogger has been acting weird) so just delete my other responses if that's the case. Let me respond.

1. George Bush really has no choice but to put the best face possible on this situation. Kerry would have done the same. However, I can give you countless quotes where he said this is going to be a long, protracted war with many highs and lows...

2. The "point" (to the best of my ability in the short amount of space here): Democracies tend to NOT breed people who employ terrorism, and when they do, they attempt to arrest or prevent those individuals. A successful, free Iraq (think something like Turkey), will start a domino effect in the Middle East, which is why you have so much foreign money fueling the "insurgency." right now. In the long run a free Iraq will greatly benefit our national security.

3. Have a happy turkey-day. :)

November 20, 2004 at 10:41 PM  

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